Start by taking a look at the What are digital capabilities? pages where you will find a set of useful videos helping to explain the different elements of the Digital Capabilities Framework.

The toolkit is split into 6 sections, select one of them to see resources which can help you develop your digital capabilities in this area::




ICT proficiency and productivity

The foundation for developing digital capabilities are the skills you have to use technologies and manage them productively. These skills will help you to develop your knowledge and understanding in other areas.

Think about the types of technologies you might need to know about in your current or future career. Are there any which you could explore further?





Information, data and media literacies

Information, data and media literacy is all about the skills, knowledge and understanding of how to search for, evaluate and use information. This looks at information in general but also how this is represented in media (text, images, video, and audio) and in data form (numbers, charts, graphs, statistics).





Digital creation, problem solving and innovation

Digital creation, problem solving and innovation is all about the skills, knowledge and understanding you have to design, create and produce a variety of digital materials (presentations, video, images, audio, websites). In addition, it is about how you are able to research, solve problems and generate new ideas using digital tools and techniques.





Digital communication, collaboration and participation

Digital communication, collaboration and participation looks at the way in which you interact with others. It focuses on how you work with people, join in and connect through digital means.





Digital learning and development

Digital learning and development is all about those digital capabilities which help us to learn and develop others.





Digital identity and wellbeing

Digital identity management and wellbeing influences all areas of digital capability and is about effectively managing you online presence and having a healthy relationship with using technology.
